Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Inexpressible Birthday Louuu!

I recently came across a picture on my Facebook timeline, which said, if you love a particular book - Commit one sentence of it to a memory. That way, one won't forget the language of the story. I celebrated my 22nd birthday on 15th Jan, and had completed Siddhartha by Herman Hesse just a day before it. I came across many, many astonishing quotes in it which I found were so relevant even in today's world.

So, as per the picture - I would like to attach only one sentence of it to my ever lasting memory gifted to me by friends on my birthday. This isn't a glorious one but it stayed with me and I could so strongly relate to it.

These words were spoken by Siddhartha to his friend Govinda, "Words do not express thoughts very well. They become a little distorted, a little foolish." This is the exact line which struck me when it came to thanking my friends, when I was showered by wishes & gifts! I felt like birthdays are a small reminder to see how many awesome people you've earned in your life. :)
Here's a collage of all the awesome people of my life: